Saturday, July 3, 2010

Beach Blanket biiingggoooo- that's the name of the game!

So, the classic conundrum... Bathing suits! They always seem to look so good but never off of the rack. It's the price or the fit or the style. Why can't we all exude elegance and sophistication and an overall air of SEXAYNESS like the classic 50's girls. I'm going to sound old and grandmotherly (though my Grandma is awesome so this is more of an insult to her then to me..) but really these bathingsuit aren't skimpy or stringy or look like they are going to fall off. No, they cover a lot more and I personally think they are much more "sexy" than bathingsuits of today. Sorry for the strange picture set up... ): I'm going to shop around and hopefully I'll have something to show for my bathing suit efforts! Wish me luck!

at the beach


  1. i miss your posts! more! more!

  2. Hey Celia. I'm happy to see you blogging again. About bathing suits. Grandma E. and I got a stack of Women's Day magazines that are from the 1940's and one of them has bathing suit patterns. You will have to check them out when you get up here. Maybe you could whip one up.

  3. I just let out a squeal of joy that made my mom and Chris jump! Haha, I can't wait to check that out! <3
